From few days, many investors are found confused regarding C-ASBA & ASBA. With the notice from CDS & clearing limited, regarding compulsory implementation of C-ASBA system many investors are confused how to apply through C-ASBA.
ASBA is system through which applicant visit their respective branches of bank & get the form. Applicant will fill up all the details like name, address, date of birth, citizenship number, bank account, DEMAT number, share apply qty, amount, etc in the form & submitted to bank. The bank will verify the form submitted by investors & block the amount in his/her own account till the allotment of ipo, fpo, etc. is done. If the applicant is allotted than money block will be deduct from the account & if not allotted money blocked will be release.
C-ASBA (Centralized Application for ASBA based issuances) is also similar to ASBA. But it is a bit advance than ASBA. This system helps to centralize the statistics of applicants for IPO, FPO, etc. All information or statistics of applicants will directly get by CDS & clearing Ltd through this system. Likewise, issue manager also get the statistics. This make easy to filters data & helps to allocation of shares in short duration of times. According to CDSC any issuance can be allocated within 15 day. After full implementation of C-ASBA, any issuance can be allocated within 7 days. One can apply online through C-ASBA using internet. No more to visit banks & issue manager. But anyone who can’t apply through online can apply through manual form from bank & financial institutions.
C-ASBA Providing BFIs, must watch is your bank in this list or not.
Process for C-ASBA
Firstly, one should visit respective branches of Bank where account is maintained. Fill up the “C-ASBA Registration form” to get CRN (C-ASBA registration Number). The bank will link your bank account & your DEMAT Account with CDS & Clearing Ltd’s system. This CRN should be keep safely because it is needed for all the issues (IPO, FPO, Right share application). CRN works for all time.
Secondly, visit respective offices where DEMAT account is maintained (DPs, banks, broker, merchant banker, etc). Fill up the form to get user password for “Mero share” application of CDS & Clearing ltd). Through “mero share” onc can apply any issuance by staying in home through internet & also can view all the details of own portfolios. You will charge Rs. 50 for this service.
Anybody who don’t need mero share application or don’t know how to apply using online can apply manually as like before as ASBA. But one should take CRN number from respective bank. Process first is compulsory but second process is depends on individuals.
How to apply manually through C-ASBA for any IPO, FPO, right share?
If you haven’t taken Mero share application’s user password or not followed second steps you have to visit respective branches of bank. Then fill up the “C-ASBA application” form to block your money for any issuance. Sample of form is given below.
How to apply online through C-ASBA for any issuance?
Once you get user password for “mero share” application. Then visit official website of CDS & Clearing Ltd. or
Then, login to mero share.
Click on “MY ASBA”, again click on “Current Issue”, than you will get all the list of issuance like ipo, fpo, right share.
Click on any issue you want to apply from the list. Fill up the details & submit.
Watch this video for details information.
Major Benefit of C-ASBA
CDS & clearing ltd & Issue manager will get data directly through this system. This will be easy for filtering data while allocation.
It also helps to reduce the invalid application due to double application, mistake in DEMAT account, etc. system will detect this all.
C-ASBA will hepls for issue manager takes few times for allocation of issuance
C-ASBA system is also helpful for banks to sent Cash dividend directly into account of shareholders. As all bank account of shareholder & DEMAT are linked & data will be stored in CDSC.