CDSC charges Rs. 50 for applying IPO/FPO through “mero share software” online. Is it costly?

Mero share software-cdsc

With the notice of full implementation of C-ASBA  &  launch Mero share software from CDS & clearing limited, share investors are expressing their view towards the fees & system of CDS & clearing Ltd. CDSC had brought Mero share software in the operation for shake of share investors. Major benefits of mero share application is one can apply any issue through online & watch portfolios.

CDSC stated that it will charge Rs. 50 annually for using mero share software. Different investor stating their arguments regarding C-ASBA & Cost of using mero share application. Some says Rs. 50 is costly, some says CDSC launch this system to take hard earned money of investors, some says CDSC will earn more than 6 crore from this services, some says Rs. 50 annually is reasonable but some improvement need to done in software, etc.

But, before saying costly or stating negative argument see the benefits of Mero share software.

  1. One can apply IPO/FPO from home office though internet.
  2. One can view all the shares in the DEMAT account. Can print & download if necessary. No need to take statement from DP.
  3. One can view all share transaction details of own. (when buy, when sell, bonus posted or not)
  4. One can check the total net worth of shares as per market price & can see portfolios.
  5. One can check how many shares are pledged & free for sale.
  6. One can view details of own.
  7. One can check details of own if any mistake like banks details, contact number, address, etc. Than, you can request for correction.
  8. One can linked account of family members & see all details of family members from single login.

For details of Mero share software & process to use.

Looking at these benefits I don’t think it is costly. Because many website companies are charging more amount for portfolio trackers. Some companies are charging upto Rs.2500 annually. Just taking Rs. 50 CDSC is providing above benefits including portfolio tracker isn’t it cheap.

If we don’t use this software than around Rs. 50 will be incurred in each issue. For eg; If not mero share than one should visit respective branches of banks, it incurs transportation cost, fill up the forms it take times, possibilities mistake in formation like, CRN number, DEMAT number  & others, etc. But through mero share software there is less chance of mistake in information, it take less time to apply for any issue. System will detect all information one should just input CRN number properly.

How to apply through mero share & physical form using C-ASBA? with Video.

I think CDSC have to make some improvement in Mero share software. In portfolio section we can just watch net value of share base on last trading price. So, it should improve to show profit/loss statement based on daily, yearly & as a whole. For such improvement investor should raise voice. If such improvement is made than mero share will be the best for technology friendly investors.

Information for taking CRN for C-ASBA 

  1. CRN number should be taken from branches of C-ASBA registered bank.
  2. Mero share “user password” should taken from Depository participants (DP) from where you open DEMAT account ( broker, bank, merchant banker)
  3. One can take more than one CRN number from different bank.
  4. For CRN number no need to subscribe for Mobile banking, viber banking, internet banking, etc.
  5. One can apply any issue through physical form (manual) or mero share software (online).